Friday, August 21, 2009


Okay, call us the redneck family of the year, but I just had to post this one. Carter was really wanting a headband to wear while he was practicing all of his cool karate moves, so Ben decided to make him one. Look closely at the 'Fruit of the Loom' labeling. Yes, it is the elastic band from a pair of old boxer-briefs. He runs around the house shouting, "HEADBAND!!!" as if it has its own super powers.


A blog about running, parenting, and learning to be patient! said...

It is funny at this age, but I bet you won't think it is so funny if you find pictures of him like this from a frat party when he gets to college! Haha!

Robin said...

Kelly, you are so right. I thought this was so funny!

kim danley said...


Jenny Bennett said...

LOL!!! This is too funny and sooooo Carter!!!! You are so right Kelly!!!

Sarah Morris said...

thanks, kelly. like we discussed, I wouldn't be so sure your brown-eyed boy won't be holding the keg stand.