Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my babe...

Well as most of you know my baby turned 3 yesterday... it doesn't seem posible. We had a small party last night on his real birthday, but his big one is on Saturday. Just had to post a few pics.


Jaime said...

Happy Birthday Carter!!!

Jenny Bennett said...

Can't believe the little man is already 3!!! He's such a cute little man! Hope he has a wonderful birthday!

kandik22 said...

Happy B-day Cart! What about this party?? Me and C will be home...leaving here in a little bit. We are actually going to Monroe Saturday. Can we invite ourselves to Cart's partay?

Sarah Morris said...

why sure! would you both like a superhero cape, or just clint?! Can't wait!

Carey said...

So I'm a little slow, but I just connected the dots and figured out that Bee Vine Creations was you!
Your stuff is soo cute!!
I've admired it in Doorway! When my girl gets a little bigger, I'm gonna have to get a growth chart from you!
Happy Birthday to your little man! He's adorable!

erica said...

So cute and Happy Birthday Carter man...Wow, I cannot believe he is the three, I remember seeing you at Spring Market when he was a newborn and I was preggo with!